7 Beauty Resolutions for 2018

2018 is here and we are already 12 whole days in to the brand new year! How?! I still can’t wrap my head around how quickly 2017 flew by. I hope you all had a great year and welcomed 2018 with open arms and full of optimism.

I am a sucker for fresh starts and every January is a reminder that things can change, for the better. One of the things I want to work on this year is taking better care of my self.  As part of my self-care, there are a few beauty rituals that I want to stick to and those are the ones I am sharing here today.

1. Stay hydrated

I want to start drinking water more diligently; at least two liters a day. This is something I’ve always overlooked (in spite of being acutely aware of ALL the benefits of regular water consumption). I start off being a pro with reminders set on my phone et all, but simply fail to follow through a few weeks later. This year, however, I am going to be more intentional with this habit. Plus, the lure of having fabulous skin by making  this one little habit a priority is something I have to give into.

2. Always take off my make-up at the end of the day

I was pretty good with this bit in the previous year as well, with an occasional night or two that managed to slip by. I have oily skin and it is a huge challenge to keep my pores clean. If I fall off the wagon, the breakouts start to appear almost instantaneously. Getting rid of those acne scars is a bigger pain than double cleansing my face each night. So, I definitely choose to continue doing the latter.

3. Take better care of my under-eye area

After my last tub of under-eye cream got done, I didn’t bother picking up another one. Mainly because, I didn’t find a cream that I loved enough to repurchase; and, I just got lazy. I didn’t want to deal with the extra step of including an eye cream in my daily skin-care routine. But, I am really starting to fear the appearance of crow’s feet around the eye area. I want to avoid that from happening for as long as I possibly can. I have been trying an all-natural treatment for my under-eyes. If I am happy with the results, I will write a detailed post about it soon!

4. Include more treatments in my skin care

As a follow up to the previous point, I want to start including more treatments such as masks and serums in my skin care routine. For the better part of 2017, I had the most basic skin ritual. But when I used a serum for a particular skin concern, I noticed a significant difference. Once the concern disappeared, I ditched this step (read lazy). The same was the case with masks. I want to start masking at least once a week and include a treatment product based on my skin’s health at the moment.

5. Take better care of the body-skin

Winter is such a brutal reminder of how ignored the overall skin on our body feels. The excessive dryness just screams for more attention and I am more than willing to provide the skin on my body with all the TLC that it deserves. This includes another round of slathering the moisturizer before bed time.

6. Take better care of the hair

Oiling my hair at least once a week and visiting the salon at least once a month for hair treatments is going to be non-negotiable going forward. Plus, notice the thinning hair above (albeit ever so slightly)? That definitely needs to be addressed.

7. Include more skin friendly snacks in my diet

There have been several occasions (more than I’d like to remember) in the past year when I’ve haphazardly snacked on anything I could find. This simply cannot be the case going forward. I am going to be more conscious about including skin-friendly food in my everyday snack menu.  A ziplock-bag filled with a handful of almonds and walnuts has gone into my purse already. And, I have strictly told myself to choose fresh berries over a donut (or a pastry) to satisfy my mid-day sugar cravings.

So that concludes my beauty resolutions list for 2018. I hope you guys got a few ideas and identified a ritual or two that you would like to adopt as well. If you have additional suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

After a brief hiatus, it is so good to be back with our first blog post of this year. We have a lot of exciting things in store for you guys and I can’t wait to share them all with you. I hope 2018 will be a grand success for each of one you! Wishing you all the luck and sending plenty of good vibes your way.

Chitra Tarigopula









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